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LEARNBLUE – Change Begins With Us

Begins With Us

We are Inspiring Individual and Collective actions to global issues, through community and capacity building, and storytelling. Interested in the work we’re doing? Apply to become a community lead or join our team.

Our Causes

Issues We Consider The Biggest Crisis Of Our Generation

Reducing Inequalities

Everyone – irrespective of their income, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, class, and religion – deserves the chance to lead a better life.

Climate Action

With rising sea levels and changing weather patterns climate change is now a real and undeniable threat, which is affecting everyone everywhere.

Life Below Water

Oceans cover three quarters of the Earth’s surface, contain 97 percent of the Earth’s water, and represent 99 percent of the living space on the planet by volume.

Who we are

Spread across 6 Countries, and 4 Continents, we are...

a team of Gen Z students, activists, writers, and innovators inspiring positive change in our communities, leveraging social media to amplify conversations that affects us, the Generation Z.
What we do

We emphasize why Change Begins With YOU...

and inspire Gen Z to find solutions, take action and raise awareness on issues we consider a threat to our future. These issues are guided by the Global Goals 3 (Good Health & Wellbeing), 10 (Reduced Inequalities), 13 (Climate Action), & 14 (Life Below Water).
Our Approach

Insight on How We Make Change and Sustain Impact


At its core, LEARNBLUE is a perspective and behaviour influencing youth nonprofit, we EDUCATE our Gen Z peers via Social Media.


Every On and Offline interaction with our peers have direct & indirect CTAs to encourage INDIVIDUAL ACTION through community engagement.


When INDIVIDUAL ACTION is insufficient, and the Change we seek lies within the power of legislators, we PETITION en masse to and demand change.


The success of a campaign is measured in audience interactions, varying from likes to petition signatures. A working strategy is then reapplied.

Our Mission

Inspiring change through INDIVIDUAL ACTION

We aim to inspire Gen Z individuals to create sustainable and integrated solutions to global issues. We believe in a more sustainable future for everyone, but in order to achieve that, we educate Gen Z on the Global Goals, leveraging social and visual media in driving thought-provoking and solution oriented conversations. #ItBeginsWithUs
Our Vision

Impacting our communities - Change Begins With YOU

A generation of digital natives who are informed on the Global Goals, actively engaging in daily activities that positively affect the sustainable development of their immediate communities, reducing their carbon-footprint, with a focus on Gen Z future threatening issues such as global warming, inequalities, land, water & air pollution.
Our Supporters & Press

Would You Like To Join Our Awesome Gen Z Squad Making Change?